Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just smile ( Dedicated to Amazing Alina )

You are my sunshine,
You are my dream,
You may seem a little weak,
Don't you dare go bleak.

Thousands you can support...
...with not your tiny hands,
But with your huge heart.

It not how you see yourself,
For your eyes cannot look inside You.

I see you fine & I know you well.
Look into my eyes and you'll see a different gal

The real Alina is,

Some one strong, Some one not defined
Some one who cant take no for an answer,
Some one who is truly n sync with what she feels.
Someone I cannot compare.

You my dear are something special ,
And even though I may not say it that often,

My life will be incomplete
without you in it, my dearest friend!

So today,
Just Smile and make my day further fine!

Dedicated to Alina.

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