Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Seeking Salvation

Seeking Salvation

Savage times …
How did it begin?
How did it all go so wrong…?

…Just ask me again ? I'll give it all?
Paid full in advance … A life time’s price,
Do you think it as a selfish sacrifice...?

Through the fields of fire…I fought and fought...
My flesh failing but my heart urged strong!

Shackles of society and work weighing hard,
I could hear your distant cheer,
Until echoes faded into the unknown,
And I lost out... that too... on my final run…

Then glorious love diluted into this ablution of agony,
Gods also forsook knowing well I‘d suffer for it.

This selfless act, suddenly deemed unworthy?
I’m alone; I’m hurt and losing sleep...
I’m falling …and falling deep...

Baptized by the tears I have shed.
I confessed to even the maker of my loss.
Yet no redemption, no resolve...
Time in penance for another,
Where is the justice!

What is it that makes me love you so very much?
I am on my knees… I hate it all….
Now in the hallow whistle of a silence,
Broken dreams consumed by darkness.

Strange manifestation of my own reflection,
Snatching screams of salvation.

I hate this,
Sad excuse of a stranger I once knew,

Lord, where will my retribution be...?

Copyright©2007 Shivraj Rajaram

1 comment:

Indrajit said...

Can turn out to be a rap song.
This is my new take on it,
I had commented on this one b4.
Anyways, keep rocking.