Ssh …
… Close those blinds... and burn the candle light...
I want to make this fantasy further right
I waited too long...for this passionate night
Don’t stop me now... don’t put up a fight...
This carnal desire inside me…will not slow.
I want to proceed… I want to further grow.
I want to be possessed by you..
..making me sweat profusely in every show.
I want your every breath shared with mine
I want that heavenly touch completely inter twined..
I want to shiver as you run your palm across my face..
I want your warm body holding me to my place...
Defuse my head and kick starting my heart.
I want u to burn through me like a dry tequila shot.
I want to melt you heart to quench my throat.
Like a hundred dying men
I shall wait for those luscious lips to collide with mine..
…making me the only one... the true envy of time.
I want my pulse to race as I untie your hair...
As it fall across your shoulders and on my chest bare.
I want you to entice me to lead this holy quest...
Bind me in a spell with mesmerizing eyes and magic hips..
I want to worship you till the point of no return...
Drugged in a trance like state I would go to very unknown
Running my tongue…accompanied with my lips to every inch.
Starting with your face... those eyes, ears… lips to cheeks...
From finger tips to shoulder blades and further more
Down your spine... those roaring hips and those gentle toes..
I'd like to go on till I conquer you all
Leaving no spot unturned, touch every thing big or small
Do you want me to stop... do you want me to go...
I don’t intend to listen….
...I am the Teaser of the mind ...& The Pirate of your Soul.
Copyright©2007 Shivraj Rajaram
Everytime I read this I get goosebumps !!!! You really have a way with words Shiv but then you already know that right ??!!!!
:) thanks.. i know that yeah..:) hehe!! some even know i have way with many other things! hehe!
umm hmm..
good one...
inspired by??????? ;o)
other things huh!!! ;o)
truly.. a good one.. i love it.
you will know best nah nita..:)
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