Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Green Giver of the Land ~

She may not speak like we all do..
She may just bask in the sun and shade on you.
She might not be something planned upon.
Just a fallen seed some where around.
She may never move... Or say why she is stuck as glue.
She gives and never takes, shares her every thing...
She feed and foster all around,
Creature smaller than ever found.

I wish I were her too...
Care free and good.. was her simple life's mood
Peacefully she watches everyone....and how everything stood.
A race in time... a birth to dead is really tough
A constant struggle to grow and survive.
The will of a solid oak within her stride.
Keeps her going on without any pride.

Some times in her silent stares, she lies under the summers heat
Some times shedding as if dancing to the wind ...
Some times bare due to the winters scare...
Some times lush as it pours endlessly close.

In all of it all she gave her everything.
Yet she has been cut and chopped...
Eaten and burnt... ripped from the womb of her mother earth...
Most of all her body sold to the greedy two legged creatures of the hideous world.
I wonder if it would all come back to them.
And they would become raw materials for another race.
I hate them even though I am one of them...

I want to be only like her...
... when I'm born again....

" As The Green Giver of the land".

Dedicated to Shilps (& all tree lovers… )
copyright(c)2007 Shivraj Rajaram


Anonymous said...

Great poem. The oak imagery is wonderful.

Bharath said...

Awesome thoughts Shiv..
Colored green..greening a greener rush..!


Anonymous said...

Many thanks.