Tuesday, August 7, 2007



Do we really know, if the Beast is hiding low..?
How can you say, the Devil is driving slow.
In this insatiable quest for power, ecstasy & show...
Have you had remorse for a stranger’s sorrow?

The demons do there dance like little flames...
As we share them with all our blames…
We have lost our cool... many a times
Started a menacing array of total defiance
We created nuisance to the fools and to the preys...
They are like meats in a can and zombies on trays...
We hate and defy everything forced upon.
Cursing silently like a prayer under our tongue.

"Be evil or be bitten by it"
It’s a new age mantra going around.
Derange and wild it will protect....its everlasting glory!
Seducing anyone, who will try to reject... its never ending story!

Are we seeds from the evil one..?
Why does hate comes so naturally?
A cruel joke mocked by the devil’s tale.
Are born of sin.....? Fact or fable...anyone?
If you think and look real hard,
You will notice, we do hold an evil card.
Secretly, selfishly we do his crime
Hidden from the eyes of the ones we shine
I'm just one of those in a million fools
Who fell into these lies, of our ancestor's tools.

I am evil, I know within...
I can twist and wriggled all my sins.
Greed, Pride, Sloth, Envy
Wrath, Lust or Gluttony
Tell me which sacred sins haven't you done…
Then I won’t be saying these lines to come!

In this trip to hell, I will save a seat.
Don't be fooled of my confusing ways,
You will be the one sitting next to me...!

copyright(c) Shivraj Rajaram

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